attribution & materials license

I've spent years creating these resources and have loved every minute of it. And we love when counselors share the materials—that’s why we created them.

But we have two requests:

1. Please provide proper attribution to College Essay Guy. Scroll down for more.

2. Please purchase a license if you’re using CEG materials for commercial purposes (i.e., with paying clients). (More Information about this coming soon! Email us if you have any questions.)

Providing Proper Attribution to College Essay Guy

If you choose to use my free resources with your students beyond sharing CEG-created resources or beyond linking them directly to the CEG website, we request that you:

  • Please display a College Essay Guy logo clearly (Download here)

  • Please include links to the home page (

  • Please use the exercises, video content, and resources as published on the College Essay Guy website.

    • If you have special requests about customizing and adapting content to an outside platform, resource, PDF or curriculum, please feel free to email us at with your request.

    • Regarding example student essays: Please do not copy and paste essay examples outside of the CEG website (like into an email, onto your website, or in your materials). Instead, please direct students to the examples as displayed on the website. These students have given written permission for their writing to be used on the CEG website and resources, but not beyond that.

-If you have other special requests about customizing content and curriculum or licensing content, please feel free to email us at We’d love to hear from you.

-Feel free to include the following photos in creating any other marketing or counseling materials with your students that uses CEG content. (Option 1) (Option 2)

Click here for even more attribution assets.

Option 1

Option 2