3.4 - Getting Feedback on Your Second Draft

Module content

You wrote a second draft!!!

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Action Item: Send your feedback request email.


If you haven’t already, share your essay with someone else. Here’s a sample email:

Hi [Name!]: 

I’ve just finished a second draft of my narrative personal statement and I’d love your feedback.

Question Yes/No/Sort of
Is it clear what my challenges are? Are they compelling (i.e., do you believe they will make for a stand-out essay)?
Is it clear what the effects of the challenges on me were?
Is it clear what I did to overcome my challenges?
Is it clear what I learned from these experiences?

Finally, if you have a few extra minutes: As you read my essay, what do you find yourself wanting to know more about?

Thank you so much for your time, 

[Your Name]

As before, if you don't have someone who can help you, here are some options:

  1. Ask a friend who is also writing their essay right now.

  2. Find a writing partner in my College Admission & Application Forum for Students on Facebook.

  3. Ask a teacher, mentor, sibling, parent, or family friend.

  4. Still can't find someone? You can try rating your essay on your own. (But I'd recommend reaching out to someone else!)

Next steps

Choose Your Own Adventure Time!

  • Click here if the “Challenges + Effects” section needs to be clearer.

  • Click here if the “Challenges + Effects” section needs to be more compelling.

  • Click here if the “What I Did About It” section still needs work.

  • Click here if the “What I Learned” section still needs work.

  • Click here to work on your opening. 

  • Click here if you feel like this topic isn’t working and you want to try Montage Structure.

Important: You might spend a few drafts cycling back to these different sections, so you might want to bookmark this page. Each time you revise, you’ll be upleveling your essay. 

And hey, if you answered yes to all these then YOU ARE CRUSHING IT and should click continue to move onto the next module.